Selah Marley, You cannot bully me regarding Kanye white lives matter T-shirt
You cannot bully me manipulate me or coach me into silence. Nor will you bully me into being who you want me to be. I do not care How many tweets you make”. “You send articles you write throughout all the chaos”. “I have yet to speak on my experience. It’s you know me, you know that Nothing I do is without deep thought and attention”.
Wait till you hear what I have to say it. Then I believe somebody. I don’t know who it was exactly Start that They were talking to Kanye. I think he’s sleeping. But I’m ready for us to have the conversation. Tell that Kanye what? To text me when he wakes up. So we continue to move this conversation for them providing necessary clarity. Definitely healing that we all
Are you collectively in need of love You guys, regardless and they say Hey, hey, is this the actual number? This is a sailor, by the way, you may be sleeping, but I think that
What we did has obviously created a lot of conversation. And I would like us to continue the conversation for illustrating the depth and clarity that we are both extremely capable of.

I love taking risks and embracing freedom. But in this case, I think we can continue to discuss the depth behind our decisions to show the purity of our incentives and provide healing. So our community loves you so much. Let’s keep this thing going in a healthy way. Okay, So that was selah speaking to Kanye. That was her reaching out to Kanye and Kanye, extending the action that they show they want to provide some concepts towards it so
A young lady who is obviously not afraid to do what she wants to do a young lady who’s obviously in this industry and has a game on this industry, probably well beyond what we ever could imagine.
Decided to do what she did.
And a lot of people gave criticism to it, and I won’t get my opinion. If you want to hear what I thought about the situation, go ahead and check out the video that I provided on Kanye West.