Since NATO killed Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya with the blessings of Hilary Clinton and France President Emmanuel Macron, it has caused modern-day slavery and massive emigration to Europe, with which large numbers are fleeing to Italy.
- With Georgia. Maloney’s rise to power in Italy The European Union is set to witness some intense fights because the new Italian leader is a no-nonsense leader who believes in giving it back as good as she gets. Also, she’s quite open to the idea of offending European leaders who tried to throw mud on her country. She is a nationalist.
- And so standing up for her quote Unquote Fatherland with little to no regard for the feelings of her European partners comes as naturally to Melanie. That means the European Parliament will soon witness feisty exchanges between Italy and other countries. For starters, France has already taken up a fight with Italy. This comes just days after European Commission president Marcelo Wonderland shortened Italy against voting, a right-wing government took power.

- France’s prime minister opened a new front against Italy and it’s to be prime Minister. Giorgia Meloni, French Prime Minister Elizabeth born said the European Union would closely follow the respect of certain human rights and values such as women’s access to abortion, the French prime minister was quoted as saying. In Europe. We have certain values and obviously, we will be envisioning, she added. It is a human rights value and the respect of others, namely
- The right to have access to abortion should be upheld by all. Meanwhile, France’s minister of transport Clement Bone took a swipe at Georgia Meloni and her brothers of Italy body he tweeted where the Front National’s flame comes from. It is the flame from Mussolini’s doomed symbol chosen by Italian neo-fascists. After the war, it is still the emblem of the reassemble mint. Nationally, the reaction coming out of France is sure to anger Italy.
- The government is waiting, which will try to get even with Paris once it is in power.
- Georgia. Meloni has some very clear views on France and its president, Emmanuel Macron 2018. Maloney had launched a scathing attack against France and Macleod. Speaking at the press conference in September 2018. Maloney accused France of impoverishing some African states and creating the conditions for immigration flows toward Italy. Remarks came in response to Macron, accusing Italy of not receiving a ship carrying hundreds of refugees.
- Coming across the Mediterranean, describing its behavior as quote-unquote shameful and irresponsible in response, Maloney said, and I quote Emmanuel Macron described us as disgusting cynics and is responsible, he said. We are responsible. What a shame, irresponsible. Emmanuel Macron are girls who bombed Libya because they were concerned that Italy would obtain important energy concessions with Gaddafi and left us
- Facing the chaos of illegal immigration we are facing now, Maloney added. Don’t come and teach US lessons, McCrone. The Africans are abandoning their countries because of you. The solution is not to transfer Africans to Europe but to liberate Africa from some Europeans. Maloney has shown her witness to hurt hostile countries where it hurts them, the most speaking of the Libya campaign, and some nations are exploited tendencies while they preach to others.
- Are the virtues of European values something which Maloney excels in the coming times, promised to be action-packed with a populist government in Italy, regularly taking its detractors in the EU to the cleaners